Dr. David S. Yuen's Professional Page



Awards and Honors

Publications (Research papers)

  1. Maximizing Rides Served for Dial-a-Ride on the Uniform Metric Theory of Computing Systems to appear (2025) (with Barbara M. Anthony a, Christine Chungb, Ananya Das)
  2. Eigenvalues and congruences for the weight 3 paramodular nonlifts of levels 61, 73, and 79, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 61 no. 5 (2024) p. 997 - 1033. (with Cris Poor and Jerry Shurman)
  3. Maximizing the number of rides served for time-limited Dial-a-Ride, Optimization Methods & Software 39 (2024) p.1407 - 1427. (with Barbara M. Anthony, Christine Chung, and Ananya Das)
  4. Appendix to Dimension formulas for Siegel modular forms of level 4 by Manami Roy, Ralf Schmidt, and Shaoyun Yi, Mathematika, 69 (2023) p. 795 -840. (with Cris Poor)
  5. Earliest Deadline First is a 2-approximation for DARP with Time Windows, Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA) (2023) (with Barbara Anthony, Christine Chung, Ananya Das)
  6. Improved bounds for budgeted Online Dial-a-Ride, Springer Nature Operations Research Forum (2021) (with Ananya Das Christman, Christine Chung, Nicholas Jaczko, Tianzhi Li, Scott Westvold, Xinyue Xu)
  7. Serving rides of equal importance for budgeted Dial-a-Ride, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research 2021, Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, p.35-50. (with Barbara Anthony, Ananya Das Christman, Christine Chung)
  8. Appendix to Deformations of Saito-Kurokawa Type and the Paramodular Conjecture by Tobias Berger and Krzysztof Klosin, American Journal of Mathematics, 142 (2020) 1821-1875. (with Cris Poor, Jerry Shurman)
  9. Finding all Borcherds product paramodular cusp forms of a given weight and level, Mathematics of Computation 89 (2020), no. 325, 2435-2480. (with Cris Poor and Jerry Shurman)
  10. New Bounds for Maximizing Revenue in Online Dial-a-Ride , Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA) (2020) (with Ananya Das Christman, Christine Chung, Nicholas Jaczko, Tianzhi Li, Scott Westvold, Xinyue Xu)
  11. Robustly Assigning Unstable Items, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, (2020) (with Ananya Das Christman and Christine Chung)
  12. Nonlift weight two paramodular eigenform constructions Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 57 (2020) 507-522. (with Cris Poor and Jerry Shurman)
  13. On the paramodularity of typical abelian surfaces, Journal of Algebra and Number Theory, 13 (2019) 1145-1195. (with Armand Brumer, Ariel Pacetti, Cris Poor, Gonzalo TornarĂ­a, John Voight)
  14. Paramodular forms of level 16 and supercuspidal representations, Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, 8 (2019) 289-324. (with Cris Poor and Ralf Schmidt)
  15. Maximizing the number of rides served for Dial-a-Ride , Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (2019) pages 11:1-11:15. (with Barbara M. Anthony, Ananya Das Christman, Christine Chung)
  16. Antisymmetric Paramodular Forms of Weights 2 and 3, International Mathematics Research Notices, (2019). (with Valery Gritsenko and Cris Poor)
  17. Theta block Fourier expansions, Borcherds products, and a sequence of Newman and Shank, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 98 (1) (2018) 48-59. (with Cris Poor and Jerry Shurman)
  18. Robustly Assigning Unstable Items, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. COCOA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11346 (2018) 402-420. (with Ananya Das Christman and Christine Chung)
  19. Paramodular Forms of Level 8 and Weights 10 and 12, International Journal of Number Theory, 14 (2018) 417-467. (with Cris Poor and Ralf Schmidt)
  20. Using Katsurada's Determination of the Eisenstein Series to Compute Siegel Eigenforms, Mathematics of Computation 87 (2018) 879-892. (with Oliver D. King, Cris Poor, and Jerry Shurman) Article electronically published on May 1, 2017
  21. Siegel Paramodular Forms of Weight 2 and Squarefree Level, International Journal of Number Theory 13 (2017) 2627-2652. ( with Cris Poor and Jerry Shurman)
  22. Computations of Spaces of Paramodular Forms of General Level , Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 53 (2016) 645-689. (with Jeffrey Breeding III, Cris Poor)
  23. Paramodular Cusp Forms, Mathematics of Computation 84 (2015) pp 1401-1438. (with Cris Poor)
  24. Borcherds Products Everywhere, Journal of Number Theory 148 (2015) pp 164-195. (with Valery Gritsenko, Cris Poor)
  25. Congruences to Ikeda-Miyawaki Lifts and Triple L-Values of Elliptic Modular Forms, Journal of Number Theory 134 (2014) pp 142-180 (with Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Hidenori Katsurada, Cris Poor)
  26. Characterizing Fourier Jacobi Expansions of Paramodular Forms, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematisches Seminar der Universitat Hamburg 83 (2013) pp 111-128 (with Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Cris Poor)
  27. The Cusp Structure of the Paramodular Groups for Degree Two, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 50 (2013) pp 445-464 (with Cris Poor)
  28. The Chiral Superstring Siegel Form in Degree Two is a Lift , Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 49 (2012) pp 293-314 (with Cris Poor)
  29. Computing Siegel Modular Forms and Paramodularity, Proceedings of the RIMS conference, Automorphic forms, trace formulas and zeta function, (2011) 90-95 (with Cris Poor)
  30. Binary Forms and the Hyperelliptic Superstring Ansatz, Mathematische Annalen 352 (2011) pp 1-24 (with Cris Poor)
  31. Modular Forms of Weight 8 for Γg(1,2), Mathematische Annalen 346 (2010) 477-498. (with Manabu Oura, Cris Poor, Riccardo Salvati-Manni)
  32. Lifting Puzzles in Genus 4, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 80 (2009) 65-82. (with Cris Poor, Nathan Ryan)
  33. Towards the Siegel Ring of Genus Four, International Journal of Number Theory, 4 (2008) pp. 563-586. (with Manabu Oura, Cris Poor)
  34. Dimensions of Cusp Forms for $Gamma_0(p)$ in Degree Two and Small Weights, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematisches Seminar der Universitat Hamburg, 77 (2007) pp. 59-80. (with Cris Poor)
  35. Paramodular Cusp Forms, Proceedings of the Fourth Spring Conference on Modular Forms and Related Topics, Siegel Modular Forms and Abelian Varieties, (2007) 198-215. (with Cris Poor)
  36. Computations of Spaces Siegel Modular Cusp Forms, Journal of the Mathematics Society of Japan, 59 (2007) pp. 185-222. (with Cris Poor)
  37. The Berge-Martinet Constant and Slopes of Siegel Cusp Forms, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 38 (2006) 913-924. (with Cris Poor)
  38. A generalization of the Valence Inequality for Siegel Modular Forms, Proceedings of the Third Spring Conference on Modular Forms and Related Topics, (2005) 73-78. (with Cris Poor)
  39. The Extreme Core, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematisches Seminar der Universitat Hamburg, 75 (2005) 51-75. (with Cris Poor)
  40. Projectile Motion with Resistance and the Lambert W Function, The College Mathematics Journal, 35 (2004) 337--350. (with Edward Packel)
  41. Slopes of Integral Lattices, Jounrnal of Number Theory, 100 (2003) 2363-380. (with Cris Poor)
  42. Restrictions of Siegel modular forms to modular curves, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 65 (2002) 239-252. (with Cris Poor)
  43. The dyadic trace and odd weight computations for Siegel modular cusp forms, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 63 (2001) 269-271. (with Cris Poor)
  44. Linear dependence among Siegel modular forms, Mathematische Annalen, 318 (2000) 205-234. (with Cris Poor)
  45. On the volume of a certain polytope, Experimental Mathematics, 9 (2000) 91-99. (with Clara Chan, David Robbins)
  46. Dimensions of spaces of Siegel cusp forms and theta series with pluri-harmonics, The Far East Journal of Mathematics, 1 (1999) 849-863. (with Cris Poor)
  47. An elementary proof of the irreducibility of the rank g picard bundle, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 26 (1996) 1581-1591.
  48. Estimates for dimensions of spaces of Siegel modulr cusp forms, Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematisches Seminar der Universitat Hamburg, 66 (1996) 337-354. (with Cris Poor)
  49. Dimensions of Siegel modular forms of low weight in degree four, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 54 (1996) 309-315. (with Cris Poor)
  50. Relations on the period mapping giving extensions of mixed Hodge structures on compact Riemann surfaces, Geometrica Dedicata, 59 (1996) 243-291. (with Cris Poor)
  51. Second order theta functions and vector bundles over Jacobi varieties, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 320 (1990) 457-492.

Publications (Textbooks)

Publications (Computer Science Education)

Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics

Recent Conferences, Workshops, and talks at Seminars